Estoy releyendo Ether, (ahora lo leo sin agregarle faltas de ortografía) así que aquí posteo uno de mis fragmentos favoritos:

"This is the world. I need to see it clearly. This empty streets and all they hold. The stranger who pads through my dreams. Or who would if  I could sleep, if I have dreams. But even here, on this dim porch, more awake than I want to be, I smell his tattered suit, the tired grease of him. I want you to see him too, wherever it is that you are reading this. On a train perhaps. On a sofa with your feet up. At your desk, pretending to work. On a hard, backless bench, waiting for the bus. In bed, beside someone or alone with the sheets. Did I guess right? It doesn´t matter. I want you to see him right here where I am, and in this empty street where he cannot be seen, and in the dark and sleepy rooms behind me where he also is not. I want you to see him as I see him, because I need you to see this world, and me in it, alone as you are. That does matter to me, though I can´t quite tell you why"

Ben Ehrenreich

Y está bien, queridos lectores que me hacen tanto bien enviando sus emails, prometo no volver hablar de Ether, aquí. Sólo léanla y dejen de molestarme. ¿Qué otra pregunta me habían hecho? Oh sí, de Musan Baek, no tengo idea, de hecho, tengo perdido mi libro gracias a una mudanza. Chilenos, invítenme a la Isla de Pascua, vamos.


pd. bueno, quizá no, hay muchos fragmentos de Ether que me gustan. ¿por qué no voy a hablar de ellos? o -si les hago el favor de poester algún otro- procuraré hacerlo con cordura, queridos. ¿No se han dado cuenta qué tan insólito es exigir "variedad" en mis temas? No están viendo la tele, folks.